“Be still and know that I am God” – Psalm 46:10. I listened to many hymns while growing up because my father loved hymns and still do. They built me up and the words taught me to seek for the Master they sing.
Many times we Pastor’s Kids find ourselves in places we do not know. Which becomes difficult to find someone whom we can turn to when facing our personal life problems. It is not about not having people to talk to because there are many people who can help including some church members or just those whose Faith is deeper than yours. However, with Pastor’s Kids it is even harder to find that one person whom they can lash out on because we are JUDGED by the world. We survive mainly because we have parents who are continuously praying for us and dealing with things that we cannot see. Last year social media was booming with the tag Depression Is Real and that was an indication that there is a problem within the spirit realm and the world. “How could you face depression when you are a Pastor’s child, it is highly impossible to face such?” Not many know what we face at times because we are quiet about it and we want to stay strong for those who are in need of our help. There are days where I felt that I needed a shoulder to cry on and just release all that I had bottled up inside. My parents have always been here but sometimes they have too much to carry. MINISTRY IS NO CHILD’S PLAY. The congregation, counselling, projects, events, meetings, and those who need them (friends who are on need of prayer or some sort). I eventually got used to the fact that whenever there was an issue, I went to my room and closed the door and prayed,thought long and hard about it. I made peace with the fact that they are serving God and God’s people. They are true servants. At times, I wish they would take a break from all that they do because they are humans too and have a family to take care of. Their rewards on earth and heaven will be great.
Pastor’s Kids reply on God and on each other to get forward in life in most if not many situations. Being a Pastor’s kid does not give you an easy walk through life. There is so much that goes on just because you are born under the house of a Pastor. Beside the name calling the rejection and the isolation we are attacked left, right and centre. I heard some say that we Pastor’s kids are the most mischievous of everyone else on this planet.
Reasons why a Pastor’s Kid would be mischievous:
A PK faces more battles than you will ever know
A PK just like you has a purpose
Because they are born in a Pastor’s home the enemy already hates them
They are targets to bring down their parent if the devil cannot get to them directly (a reason why most are rebellious)
There is pressure not only from the world but family plays a huge role in the pressure that comes our way
We grow up in a church; we do not know much of what happens in the world unless our friends are from the world.
Satan fights anyone carrying seed of greatness within.
The judgments we get from people cause us to change the way we are, what we want to become and shift our focus from the purpose we are meant to complete. This is why we shy away from the call and run into the opposite direction looking for something that might appetize us. Instead of finding what we are looking for, We are captured by what the world calls “cool” and in that trap we become far the mischievous kids that you think you see. We are more than what you think but because a mark has been placed upon our heads, we are pushed to the side and forgotten, looked down upon and hated.
However, “those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint” - Isaiah 40:31.God will bless those who rise up from their ashes and run towards Him and not run from Him!